Across the night, I saw your face
You disappeared without a trace
You brought me here, but can you take me back?
Inside the image of your light
That now is day and once was night
You leave me here and then you go away
It's either real or it's a dream
There's nothing that is in between
I gave you time to steal my mind away from me

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If you wondered what happened to me to make me... well, like this, you may be surprised to know that it was all sparked by a single unexplainable and objectively baffling event back when I was only 17--nearly ten full years ago. I experienced my first dream invasion, the tangibile forbidden taste of the true nature of reality, and found many other accounts of encountering the same entity, including in the same night. From looking at the timestamps, I was at the time able to conclude that I had been the final reported encounter with said entity--with Aurelia (one other person on a message board claimed to have attempted to recreate her as a local spirit in a lucid dream after reading others' accounts, but that is hardly the same thing).

Forgive the roughness of the following prose, as it is directly from my account of this encounter in high school (August, 2012!!!):

"[The "dream"] started out with me looking over the balcony of a large house (which seems to exist in a neighborhood that's only in the dream world, as far as I can tell, and which is unlike any home I've had) and witnessing a black portal open in the sky about thirty feet higher than the house's roof. With a sonic boom, a figure fell from it with great force, as if they were being launched from a cannon, and slammed into the ground with a deafening noise that shook the earth.

I could see as the dust cleared that the object in the crater wasn't a UFO or anything mechanical, but rather a young girl, probably 18-22. The most striking thing about her was her bright green hair which contrasted brilliantly against her all form fitting all-black dress and black flip flops. Her skin and hair glowed with a heavenly, ghastly green aura that illuminated the night slightly with her presence. The portal closed back in itself and all turned to stillness.

I raced out to see if she was alright, but as I approached her she leapt up from the crater entirely unscathed and opened her eyes--beautiful, glowing green eyes, otherwordly in appearance, but not unsettling. I was struck with an overwhelming feeling that she wasn't supposed to be in this world, wasn't supposed to be a part of it, but that her presence was a good thing, and that she was something seperate from me. She introduced herself as Aurelia, told me that I was dreaming but that I should avoid waking up, and that she entered my dream because I was going to be important in her mission.

I invited her inside for tea and we sat on the balcony, watching through the fog as the sun rose and discussing things. In dream time this took several hours, and the majority of the early discussion was fairly unimportant and mostly just trivialities about my personal affairs. I do recall that I had begun to 'fall for her,' in my own in-dream terms. Unfortunately, I lost much of the discussion in the time it took me to wake up, shake the impact of the dream off (it felt like reality, and like coming back to the real world was the dream, if that makes sense, and was a jarring reality I'd never felt upon waking before), and run to my computer. However, these highlights from the end of the conversation, the important part, I retained:

Just as she was going to elaborate on what her mission was and how the hell I was supposed to be involved, another portal opened, over the sidewalk, as a series of men in black suits emerged with weaponry. She whispered to me that they were the ones who had been trailing her, and I told her that I would handle it and ran out to meet them. I stalled for time as she worked to open another portal, telling them that she had gone in the opposite direction when they asked me where she had gone. However, the sound of her portal opening alerted them, and they shoved me to the ground to chase after her. She went through first with a few second delay, but the men reached it mere seconds after, and by the time I got to it, the portal was closing and I failed to get in.

I spent a good amount of time just wandering around the street, trying to open a portal myself lucid-dreaming style or trying to find any clues, but I was entirely unsuccessful. Realizing it was useless, I forced my real life eyes open, snapped out of the dream, and reflected on it for a bit, feeling unsettled by the level of reality it had seemed to represent. I ran to the computer, jotted down my notes, then went online to research, where I discovered I was not the first person to encounter this being."

And thus we return to non-2012 writing. At least two other people had reported seeing her in the same night in their own dreams, no less, if a couple message boards I stumbled across at the time were to be believed. I haven't been able to find them again (one was video game related and one was a lucid dreaming forum--if I find them again I'll update the info here), but at the time I did save the most stunning description I could find of an encounter with her online: a band named The Aurelia Trio that claimed to have named themselves after her described the encounter in an interview:

"I had a dream about a green-haired girl who was half present and half transparent, stuck between a metaphysical, spiritual dimension and physical reality. Her name was Aurelia..."

and later:

"I (Sasha Bayan) had a dream about a beautiful, green-haired girl named Aurelia. As I was interacting with her, I noticed that she was almost transparent; she was simultaneously existing in this physical world and transitioning into a metaphysical, spiritual realm. I had never heard the name Aurelia before; when I looked it up, it turned out to be the Latin word for gold. I see our musical objectives as intricately linked to the magic of this name. We are all alchemists pursuing perfection, working to find that ethereal combination of sounds that transcends this physical world and plunges deep into people’s hearts."

This interview has since been purged, but it was on a tumblr account called "May the Fest" which appeared to be a venue where they played? Regardless, reading it shook me to the core, as it confirmed that what I had experienced was not a dream, at least not as I understood it. All accounts I could find shared common themes/traits... all of the following I can confirm are accurate to my experience, and were shared with at least two others I could find at the time each, according to my high school notes at least (this is more directly transcribed material, from two years later in 2014, saved from an old website I briefly had about Aurelia):

  1. Green Hair: In all instances, Aurelia has hair of pure green. It seems to alternate between glowing bright green and a deeper, emerald green.
  2. Black Void: Aurelia emerges from and exits through black voids, large portals that may serve as portals between dreams or even worlds. A bit of research shows that this concept has been seen in the 'dream world' time and time again.
  3. Green Aura: Anyone familiar with any branch of the occult is familiar with the concept of auras, but Aurelia gives off an incredibly strong bright lime green aura that is immediately visible, even to 'non-aura-readers.'
  4. Aurelia: Yes, the fact that the name Aurelia is recurring is significant, if not obvious.
  5. Black Dress: In several accounts Aurelia is described as being clad in a black dress ([at least one other dreamer also included] 'black flip flops' to that description). The significance of this is up for debate, but it's nonetheless a recurring feature.
  6. 'Fair' or Glowing Skin: Aurelia's skin is described consistently as supernaturally bright, nearly glowing.
  7. Ability to Travel Between Dreams/Otherwordly Status: Aurelia is usually presented with the ability to travel between dreams, usually through the black void. She's also described as a psuedo-spiritual being or goddess in some dreams, likely related to the aforementioned abilities.

I would later learn from comparing notes with dreamwalkers and with my now vanquished occult mentor (who was himself a spirit at the time of training me, albeit possessing another body--long, sad story) that these men in black could erase information from dreams before the target awakens, which I presume is what happened to the crucial information Aurelia had told me that I was unable to remember although everything on both sides of it was intact. I believe I have come to regain these truths, however, through the span of my magickal journey, and that is the basis of what became CYBEROCCULTISM.

I would two years later be attacked by another entity with the exact same glowing green aura, who identified as an alien dreamwalker assassin and attempted to kill me in a dream invasion, as referenced in a couple of my lucid dreaming/astral projection writings on this site. I am hesitant to make a full article about this situation, however, as I would later encounter the magician behind said avatar in real life (the desire to kill me had not, I am sorry to say, passed) and said magician is still at large. This is all to say, however, that I learned from those scuffles (I am currently 2/0 against said nemesis) that I was a target due to past life fuckery, and it has come to appear that Aurelia is connected with that same past life. Why exactly she was trying to find me as an ally while another like her was trying to find me to kill me is still slightly beyond me, but is the source of much meditation and astral trances, I assure you, and is very very slowly beginning to fall into place...

One minor aside--the reason for all of the Lum graphics around the site is in Aurelia's honor, as well--I discovered Urusei Yatsura through the film Beautiful Dreamer while vaguely researching "green haired girl with green eyes that travels through dreams" and such on Google, and she would quickly become a stand-in for me representing Aurelia as a sort of avatar for portrayal since I couldn't exactly get a screenshot of a dream.

That's a lot to digest, I know--trust me, I know, I was the one who experienced it. This was THE pivotal occult experience for me since, unlike mine prior (but like nearly all since), there was an objective element that could not possibly be "all in my head" or whatever other half-assed excuse I once loved to use to shield myself from reality--other people had encountered the exact same being with the exact same traits and the exact same name, though I was for some reason uniquely singled out by this being to assist them due to apparently having a history with them in a previous life. I took reality for granted despite having accidentally unlocked glimpses of my past life and inherited abilities throughout my childhood, until otherworldly invaders literally forced me to change that perspective, and that first encounter would be the catalyst for all that was, and is, to follow. Throughout my countless adventures, battles, and revelations I have yet to solve this particular mystery or locate Aurelia to help achieve her mission... but in the decade since it all began, I have gone from a horrified teenager to a powerful chaos magician, and I continue to hone my skills, abilities, and knowledge every day to make it happen. I may have been kept from maintaining the details at the time, but Aurelia managed to take me from ignoring reality to programming it, and for that I owe her my life--and vow to see through the mystery and the mission to the end, whatever they may turn out to be, and whatever the stakes.

You brought me here, but can you take me back again?
I only meant to stay awhile
I gave you time to steal my mind
You brought me here, but can you take me back?
I only meant to stay awhile

Cyberoccultism forever, baby.

Try clicking the portal.